Products and Services

Products & services
We breed/rear layer hens and broilers in broiler/battery cages; breed/rear pigs, goats, tilapia, rabbits and catfishes; nurse/grow food crops and fruits; and also train local farmers. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” Local farmers work in our farms during their six weeks training period without payment, thereby ‘learning by doing’. This is a win-win approach for both the business and the farmers. 

Main revenue streams

Chicks, Fingerlings,
Meat, Fish, Eggs,
Animal feed, Food crops,Vegetables, Fruits,Farming equipment,Processed and cooked food.

Main customers groups 
·  Local entrepreneur – We supply them with chicks, fingerlings and animal feed. They also buy our meat, fish and eggs for consumption and/or sell to the end consumer to make extra profit. 
·  Retailers/supermarkets – these are mostly supermarkets and small shops owner who purchase our products for retail. They are the main distributors for our products.
·  Hotels and restaurants – They buy our products, cooked them and sell to end consumers.
· The general public – with consistent demand in these products, most customers buy directly at farm gate and open markets.

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