Crop-livestock integrated farming
system - cocoa, coffee, palms, fruit trees…
Coffee and cocoa plantations are dominated by smallholder farmers who play an important role in national economy. These smallholder farmers are facing problems with low productivity, low quality of products, un-used waste and dependence on external inputs. So most farmers are increasingly using inorganic fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides to boost production and control diseases and pests in agroforestry. This has led to an increase in external input cost, health risks and ecosystem pollution. To address these issues, we shall be looking at a more eco-friendly way of increasing crop production and profit at low cost, zero waste and minimal health risks through crop-livestock integrated farming e.g rearing goats, pigs and poultry in cocoa, coffee, oil palms, rubber and fruit trees farms.
Crop-Livestock integrated farming system
This practice integrates crop and livestock systems. Livestock play an important role in global food production and in agricultural and rural economies in many developing regions. The crop-livestock integration system is a sustainable, effective, efficient and environmentally friendly system of crops and livestock that builds explicitly between biomass-producing and processing, waste management, water use, energy generation and soil nutrient conservation. It provide opportunities for maintaining and extending biodiversity, livelihood diversification, provision of alternative income streams and increase crop yield at low input cost which makes this farming system more viable and profitable.An integrated farming system consists of a range of resource-saving practices that aim to achieve acceptable profits, high and sustained production levels, while minimizing the negative effects of intensive farming and preserving the environment. The crops produce abundant animal feed as folders and crop residues. The trimmed cocoa leaves/rind, fruit leaves, cassava/beans/maize leaves and crop residues are used as supplementary feed for animals to raise body weight gain. The animals graze under the trees/plants and provide manures which are used as a source of organic fertilizer for plant/trees. The animals are also sold to provide additional source of income to the farmers. This system lead to zero waste as plants waste are used to feed animals and animals waste are used to fertilize the soil. Crop-livestock integration can also reduce the cost of controlling weeds. Birds prefer grass and smaller weeds while goats and pigs prefer foraging on broader leaves.
The benefits of integrated livestock-crop systems
Integrated farming
systems optimize resource utilization through beneficial synergies rather than
maximization of individual elements in the system.
Agronomy – enhance the productive capacity of the land,
enhance land utilization, increase soil fertility, control weed and pests
Economical - products diversification, increase crop yields, reduce input cost, reduce livestock costs, increase livestock productivity and provide multiple income streams
Health - reduce health risks from chemicals, halt malnutrition (Animal - protein, Cereals - carbohydrate, Fruits - vitamin/minerals)
Environmental – Strengthen crop resilience, enhance soil micro-organism and biological activity, improve soil structure, reduce erosion, increase soil organic matter and nutrient cycling, reduce ecosystem pollution from external inputs, result to zero-waste, reduce draught and restore ecosystems.
Animal manure as organic fertilizers
Manures are plant and animal wastes that are used as sources of plant nutrients. They release nutrients when they decompose. Manure is an important by-product of the mixed crop–livestock farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and a traditional source of nutrients for farm crops. It remains a low cost soil fertility investment niche which farmers should exploit. Manure is a valuable source of nutrients, organic matter and renewable energy. It contains soil nutrients and organic matter which is vital in maintaining and improving soil health and soil fertility. Hence, application of manure as a fertilizer is essential in maintaining and improving food security and livelihoods. Therefore ‘Manure is food security’. At Suzy-Farms we focus on raising goats/sheep, poultry and pigs for both meat and manure production.
Goat feces |
Poultry manure: The average nutrient content of poultry manure are 3.1% Nitrogen, 2.6% Phosphorus and 1.4% Potassium. It is also an important source of micronutrient such as Zinc (Zn), Cupper (Cu), Iron (Fe), and Manganese (MN). Chicken manure is rich in phosphorus and should be composted for 4-6 weeks before usage in farms to avoid leaching. About 15-30 birds will provide good manure per hectare.
Actualization at Suzy-Farms
Chickens foraging on farms |
Advantages of organic manure
provides natural fertilizer and reduce external input cost
2. It helps in the slow release process of the nutrients and reduces leaching
helps to reduce the alkalinity of the soil
4. It improves soil organic matter and quality
prevents soil pollution from inorganic fertilizer
6. It serves as a source of energy for micro-organism which are beneficial to the soil and plants
increases soil humus content which enhance the water retention capacity of the
Another informative blog. Thanks 4 sharing
Crop and livestock Integrated Farming provides the opportunity for maintaining and extending biodiversity, improving livelihoods & food security, Providing alternative income streams, increasing crops yield & animal production at low input cost which makes this farming system more viable and profitable.
A good example to be copy all over Africa and the rest of the world. Safe the Planet
Beautiful and good to know.
Waoh, very very interesting to give it a try.But I wish to know more,are the animals not too expose to snakes or scorpions in the bush?
Sustainable agriculture for all. Reduce cost, increase crop yield, fertilize crops with manure, use plants residue to feed animal, zero waste, close the nutrients cycle... etc
Excellent way to recycle soil nutrients
We have pheromones to drive snakes away. Workers are staying on site too.
That's great Suzy natural products best feed the organ without no effect either in the short or long run
Thanks alot
I really like the concept. There is actually no waste
What a wonderful concept to copy. Waooh. nature has it all. Self regulating snd nutrients cycling at #Suxy+farms
With all this information, I think I can start producing feed for chicks. Thanks 4 sharing
What a sustainable model to copy,.
Zero waste as animal waste are recycled to soil nutrients while farm waste are used to feed the animals
Tasted and confirmed. crop and livestock farming integrated system is the best as there is zero waste hence a great reduction in the cost of production
Integrated permaculture real helps to restore ecosystems. Let's do it.
What a wonderful system to recycle nutrients naturally. Will try this and experience it too. Hope you will be ready to support me through this journey
Wonderful close circuit to cycle nutrients.
Organic nutrients cycling is the best
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